Meet The Team

Dibley J Hanify (Editor-at-Large)
A world-renowned humanitarian and crystal meth trafficker, Dibley J Hanify is also the method actor who plays such diverse and well-loved characters as Trevor, Nick, Damo, Donkey, and Jason. Dibley looks out the window of a morning and is concerned by what he sees. Bad Origami was established to hold a torch to the varied snake faces of this squalid, sun drenched Medusa called Queensland. DJH III is also the creator and chief of Crunch Town Comix, a proud part of Bad Origami’s vibrant and fast growing brand stable.
Damian West  (Chief Writer)
Once mislabeled a ‘post-apocalyptic post-modern poet’, Damian West essentially serves as Bad Origami’s whining straight-edge Ying to Hanify’s raging, drug fueled Yang. Known simply as “Damo” to friends and enemies alike, West is a writer, community worker, and media/communications professional hailing from Brisbane, Queensland.
Sgt. Frank Gilroy (Rural Affairs, New South Wales Correspondent)
Bad Origami’s most recent recruit, Sgt. Frank Gilroy is a semi-retired country cop who has served the New South Wales police force for 39 years in Wandin Valley and Burrigan. Sgt. Gilroy is the undisputed king of the old Wandin Valley verbal. Only just last month, your Uncle Frank apprehended an angler exceeding the legal bag limit for Murray Cod down at Burrigan Creek: After a short and sharp verbal, said fella packed up his shit, sold his house, and is rumoured to have fled to Far North Queensland. No one verbalised by Sgt. Gilroy has ever returned for a second helping! Gilroy is Bad Origami’s NSW and country correspondent.

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